Off to Hamamatsu kite festival 2014:) Every town have kites and they put kids name who were born last year or recently on the kite and celebrate for them. And also wishing their future fame like kites rise up to the sky. This festival was started By the load of castle in Hamamatsu about 400 years ago. I am lucky cz I was born here in Hamamatsu and I can join this festival with family and friends:))
浜松祭りの凧揚げ合戦。 毎年この時期になると遠州人はワクワクするのではないでしょうか。ラッパや太鼓の音に合わせて大きな凧が昇っていくのを見てああこの季節が来たと実感します。浜松に生まれて良かったと思えるこの3日間。子供のお祝いさせて貰います☆
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