7days since the quake.
7 days have passed since the earthquake.
Although fewer, there are still after quakes. We are starting to get used to it, sadly. What we need now is food, water, and heat for the victims. However, there simply isn’t enough.
Because roads are cut off, people and goods cannot reach their destination. Also, there’s not enough fuel.
We heard that because of the cold, the water in the water wagon had frozen, and couldn’t be delivered to the victims.
There may be people under all those debris, waiting for help. But snow is falling, and it’s white all around. It is saddening that the scene looks beautiful at the first glance.
It is that cold up there.
Also, there’s the never ending news about the nuclear power plant. I cannot judge how serious the situation is even if I hear the amount of radiological dosage. I read newspapers and watch TV news to try to understand, but that makes me mentally stressed.
We have to believe the experts’ words that everything is okay, and stay positive. Otherwise, it’s impossible to bear all this.
There are people out there, trying to end the crisis, regardless of their lives. We have to believe in them.
The rotation blackout is still continuing. Today, it’s very cold in Kanto area. Therefore, the demand for electricity is expected to exceed the supply. I’ll try to save as much power as I can.
Yesterday, I turned off the TV and everything became quiet. I realized the importance of just listening to music and reading books. It’s important to refresh your mind. I believe that the healthy people have to stay positive.
On 16th, His Majesty said that “I sincerely hope that people will overcome this unfortunate time by engendering a sense of caring for other people.” (The Mainichi Daily News) The last time His Majesty sent out messages for the people through the media was in August 15, 1945 when Emperor Showa announced the end of the war.
March 17, 2011 Lisa & Daiya Inoue (^_-)-☆
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- Lisa Inoue
- 井上 梨紗(いのうえ りさ) 高校生の頃より、雑誌、テレビ、 ラジオなどのメディアで、モデルや レポーター、MC、エッセイストと して活躍。温泉、グルメ、旅行、競 馬、ダイビングなどをテーマに世界 中を飛び回る。 2003~2006年の4年間ケアンズ 在住。 著書 「リサの海外旅行術:フット ワーク出版」「ジェットスキーハウ ツー本」「F1グランプSUZUKA 公式認定本:扶桑社」など 現在は ㈱アレナトーレ:スポーツ マネージメント事業部で、 サッカー を中心にイベント企画、取材など。 ラジオ番組:「Viva!スポルト」コー ディネーター&レポーター 資格:国家潜水士、小型船舶操縦 2級、ダイビングCカード、日本語 教師など
わたし自身も”STAY POSITIVE”で自分に今できることに全力を注ぎます!