A message from Soccer photo jornalist
An alarm sounds from the TV. It is an emergency alarm system warning that an earthquake is coming.
After 1 to 3 seconds, the quake arrives. However, because precise type of the seismic wave cannot be identified, sometimes there are no alarms or are too late, or no quake comes even after the alarm.
There are many alarms this morning. In Iwaki (Fukushima prefecture), there are after quakes with the power of about magnitude 6. It seems like the quakes will keep on coming for a while.
Today, I would like to introduce a message from my friend Tetsuichi Utsunomiya (Soccer non-fiction writer, photographer).
I will upload it in both Japanese and English.
Dear all Australians.
As a Japanese person, I would like to express my appreciation for all the messages and donations from all over the world including Australia. Socceroos and Japan is a good rival, as we frequently see in the Asian Cup, World Cup qualifications, and the AFC Champions League.
I feel that the fantastic point about sports is that it allows everybody to share the mentality of having sympathy for the rivals.
Sadly, Japan has been weakened by the disasters. We will do our best to recover, but we do not know where to start from.
Right now, we would gladly receive all the support we can get to recover quickly. Until then, please watch over Japan with warm, kind eyes.
Tetsuichi Utsumomiya
- Lisa Inoue
- 井上 梨紗(いのうえ りさ) 高校生の頃より、雑誌、テレビ、 ラジオなどのメディアで、モデルや レポーター、MC、エッセイストと して活躍。温泉、グルメ、旅行、競 馬、ダイビングなどをテーマに世界 中を飛び回る。 2003~2006年の4年間ケアンズ 在住。 著書 「リサの海外旅行術:フット ワーク出版」「ジェットスキーハウ ツー本」「F1グランプSUZUKA 公式認定本:扶桑社」など 現在は ㈱アレナトーレ:スポーツ マネージメント事業部で、 サッカー を中心にイベント企画、取材など。 ラジオ番組:「Viva!スポルト」コー ディネーター&レポーター 資格:国家潜水士、小型船舶操縦 2級、ダイビングCカード、日本語 教師など
A message from Soccer photo jornalist | ケアンズ観光とれたて情報【リビング・イン・ケアンズ】 安倍なつみ ビキニ http://www.swimerajp.biz/